- Эта тема пуста.
12.10.2007 в 11:31 #19460
[SIZE=-2]Натестах был Volkswagen New Beetle 1998 года выпуска, оснащенный:фронтальными и боковыми подушками безопасности для водителя ипассажира, ремнями безопасности с преднатяжителями, ABS (какдополнительно оборудование до 1999 года).[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Изменение пространства в кабине:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Оценка: Отлично
Пространство в салоне поддерживалось очень хорошо. Изменение пространства на уровне ног было минимальным. Движение приборной панели назад так-же было очень маленьким.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Перемещение манекена:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Оценка: Хорошо
Движение манекена контролировалось приемлемо. Однако, голова манекена”пробила” подушку безопасности, а отрекошетив задела рамку двери.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Нагрузки на манекена:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Оценка: Отлично
Вседатчики показали очень низкую вероятность получения повреждений длявсех частей тела. Воздействие на голову при касании рамки двери былонезначительным.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Работа подголовника:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Оценка: Хорошо
В любом положении подголовник хорошо справляется со своей задачей. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Работа бампера:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]Оценка: Отлично
Бамперана новом жуке просто замечательные – в двух тестах (при ударах задом)из четырех повреждения были нулевыми. При ударах “передом в плоскийбарьер” и “передом в угловой барьер” повреждения были минимальны.[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]Изменение пространства в кабине [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Перемещение манекена [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Хорошо[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Нагрузки на голову и шею [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Нагрузки на грудную клетку [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Нагрузки на левую ногу [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Нагрузки на правую ногу [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Работа подголовника [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Хорошо[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]Работа бампера[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Итоговая оценка [/SIZE] [SIZE=-1]Отлично[/SIZE] 12.10.2007 в 16:17 #42007Аноним
а какая скорость и перекрытие неизвесно ?
14.10.2007 в 12:59 #42044arrival
насколько я знаю скорость при всех крэш тестах 60
14.10.2007 в 13:40 #42048Аноним
блин этих краштэстов дофига , да и стандартов оценки много …
15.10.2007 в 10:29 #41919Maxbug
Лень рыться, не 60 км/ч, там берут стандарт чей не знаю около 40-50 км. Найду отпишусь.
15.10.2007 в 10:31 #41911arrival
Краш–тест по методике EuroNCAP на скорости 64 км/ч
Добавлено через 3 минуты
Where are the crash tests performed?
Euro NCAP tests are performed at six laboratories around Europe. These include one based in France (UTAC in Montlhery), two based in Germany (ADAC in Munich and Bast in Bergisch Gladbach), one in the Netherlands (TNO in Delft), one in Spain (IDIADA in Tarragona) and finally one in the UK (TRL in Berkshire).What tests do Euro NCAP perform?
There is a full scale frontal impact test performed at 64 km/h into a deformable barrier face, the vehicle is offset allowing 40% of its width to contact the barrier.
A full scale perpendicular side impact test performed at 50 km/h, where the stationary test vehicle is impacted by a trolley, representing a striking vehicle.
A full scale side impact pole test performed at 29 km/h, where the vehicle is carried into a rigid metal pole.
And sub-system tests with pedestrian head and leg impactors, representative of human body parts, are fired at the vehicle at 40 km/h. Separate impactors are used instead of full body dummies because they provide better results.
The three ratings (Adult Occupant Protection, Child Protection and Pedestrian Protection) are obtained from the results of these tests.
How were the tests arrived at?
The test procedures are based on those developed by the European Enhanced Vehicle-safety Committee (EEVC) for legislation, except the front impact speed is increased by 8 km/h so as to cover accident severity leading to most deaths and serious injuries. The pole test is based on standards developed in the US. Cars designed to do well in the Euro NCAP tests should offer improved protection in a wide variety of road accidents.Why not carry out a wider range of tests?
It is the duty of manufacturers to design and test cars to meet the full range of accidents. The Euro NCAP tests cover an important range of accidents. A well-designed car will perform well in the Euro NCAP tests, and one that does badly is less likely to provide adequate protection in a real life crash.Why does Euro NCAP not carry out rear impact tests?
Frontal and side impact crashes are the dominant causes of serious and fatal injuries. Rear impacts are frequent, but infrequently serious. The main problem relates to neck (Whiplash) and back strain. Euro NCAP is investigating tests to assess the level of Whiplash protection offered.Why have you chosen such a high front impact test speed?
By carrying out frontal impact tests at 64km/h (about 40 mph) we are simulating a car impacting a similar sized car where both cars are travelling the same speed of 55 km/h. This speed has been shown by accident studies to address a high proportion of fatal and severe injury accidents.Should this not be higher given driving speed limits are higher?
Accident research shows that carrying out frontal impacts at 64km/h speed covers a large proportion of the serious and fatal accidents which occur. Even if the maximum speed limit is 120 km/h, few accidents occur at such speeds and where they do, it is beyond current capabilities to provide protection for the car’s occupants.How is the injury risk to car occupants determined from crash data?
The injury risk is assessed using a number of sources including data from the dummy’s instruments, examination of the high-speed film and examination of the car by crash investigation experts. As there is no instrumentation to measure injury risk in certain areas, adjustments are also made to take account of other potential dangers, including those to different sized occupants. The Euro NCAP assessment protocol is then applied to reach the rating for each adult occupant body region.Are the barrier tests repeatable?
Yes. The repeatability of the test procedure was fully investigated in research by the EEVC.15.10.2007 в 10:45 #42031Maxbug
Ну во, а я сижу рою!
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