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Fuel tank filler flap unit
Removing and installing fuel tank filler flap unit
‒ Remove tail light
=> Electrical system; Repair group 94; Tail lights
‒ → Remove fuel tank filler cap.
‒ Pull out clip -1- for fuel filler flap release and pull fuel filler flap release -3- into wing.
‒ Remove bolt/screw -2-.
‒ → Remove rear wheel housing liner -2- => page 66-2
‒ Pull hose -1- out of retainer -3- and allow to hang free.
Continuation for all models
‒ → Lift rear of fuel tank filler flap unit -1- and pull out from wing opening towards rear of vehicle.
Install in reverse order.
Fuel tank filler flap unit
Removing and installing fuel tank filler flap release motor
The motor to release the fuel tank filler flap is located on a bracket in the right-hand wheel housing.
‒ Remove luggage compartment trim right-hand side of vehicle.
=> General body repairs, interior; Repair group 70; Load compartment and luggage compartment trim
=> General body repairs, interior; Repair group 70; Load compartment and luggage compartment trim (cabriolet)
‒ → Pull connector -1- off motor -2-.
‒ Unhook cable on bracket -arrow-.
‒ Remove bolts/screws -3-, take motor -2- off bracket and unhook cable on motor.
Install in reverse order.
‒ Check function of fuel tank filler flap remote release before installing trim.